The unique production story that spread from Denizli to the whole world started in 2008...
We continue the production and supply of home textile products such as bed linen, sheets, table covers and kitchen products in our production processes diversifying from readymade garments to cloth upholstery. At the same time, we also include ready to wear products such as trousers, shorts and skirts.
As Larmatex, we consider providing superior customer service as one of our most important aims, increasing the functional optimization of our production system and operational efficiency.
Due to our team's distinctive functional features and their experiences which needs technical expertise, we enable our customers to procure the most effective and professional products. Analyzing real customer requests accurately, furthering the production process with a accurate, fast and reliable information flow, managing the follow up process and having an idea are the most valuable elements of our company culture.
As Larmatex, we continue our journey with our mission of development and change, we continue to offer perfect designs to the whole world with our wide product range.